Keep Healthy Alternatives Available for All Nebraskans!

Fix The Healthy Alternatives Ban Bill

Federal Activity

FIX SB 1676 & HB 1475

SB 1676 & HB 1475 are two of the most dangerous bills Florida has seen when it comes to the overregulation of healthy alternatives.

Healthy Victories


Affiliated State Chapters
$ 0 Billion
Harmful Hemp and Cannabis Bills Defeated
Voter Contacts Made

Healthy Alternatives Champions

Who We Are


The Nebraska Healthy Alternatives Association is the preeminent trade organization for the hemp-derived healthy alternatives industry in Nebraska. We are comprised of retailers, farmers, manufacturers and distributors. We work tirelessly to protect the interests of our members and fight for the rights of Nebraskans. Our members are held to the highest standards, and we are committed to providing our community with safe, healthy, and affordable alternatives.